Friday, December 9, 2016

Governor Gregg Abbott has put into works a plan to help the most emotionally traumatized foster children of Texas with the help of the criminal justice department as well as the Department of Family and Protective Services. The program is planning on spending about 8 millions dollars in the hopes of providing children that are considered high risk and have had a trouble pass that can include children who have been victims of crime, have been admitted into psychiatric medical hospitals and have been admitted to at least two residential treatment centers in the past two years. I believe that the whole program sound like an amazing idea that will keep children who have already had a horrible a horrible experience with foster care to be kept in a not only safer environment but let them know that the government will do their very best to asses their need and give them what they need. I do have a couple of questions though that would include who would be assigned to actually implement these changes? Will the children have a choice as to if they want to participate? Also he said that they will choose a total of 500 children for the trial to see if the program actually works so lets say it does how will they hope to pay for all the other children that have been in such conditions? I hope such a programs goes through and help bring children much needed help after having gone though terrible events in there short lives.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

   I completely agree that young drivers, or simply drivers in general, and officers of the law should correspond in a better way than what has recently going on. As to implementing a program to place that into effect I believe is a great idea. Teen drivers should know how to act as their rights whe stopped by police officers to prevent any form of violence from taking place.
Pros to this would include safer interaction between police and young civilians, proper knowledge of your rights, and teens being comfortable with police officers. 
  Cons/reasons to question the implementation would include how lon would it take to place the class in schools, who would teach the classes, would the classes be mandatory, would they work toward credit for the students. Who would also vote towards whether or not to pass the idea of the class? Would the school budget permit it? 
   The idea itself is great but just how much work is it going to take and are there people out there willing to put in that work to make the class come about.

Monday, November 7, 2016

          Let’s talk about guns ladies and gents. Last year Texas Legislature passed a bill allowing for concealed handgun permit holders to start carrying guns out in the open. This bill was signed into law on June 13, 2015 and took effect on January 1st, 2016. Now I don’t know about y’all but I’ve been hearing on the news lately that a lot of people have been getting shot and about mass shootings happening all over Texas. So here is my reasoning, which I don’t see why the legislature didn’t think of this first, if people are allowed to carry guns and we had plenty of incidents with gun shooting already why in God’s good name did they make it legal for people to start openly carrying guns! There have been crazies out and about killing children at school, at movie theaters and in peoples own home let’s not add to the crazy. I think it is especially dangerous in colleges what with stress out, sleep deprived, coffee driven people trying to go about their day and let’s say a student is having an especially hard day what’s to say they won’t shoot out an entire class room. Why don’t we ask the thousands of professors how they feel about their student being able to carry guns into the classroom and it being totally legal? I’m not saying that everyone that carries a gun is a complete psycho and out to kill everyone but it just takes one. I think this law should be repealed as quickly as possible. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Can you be any more closed minded! Talk about the Islamic faith has been pumped to the max with Republican nominee Donald Trump speaking so harshly and rudely during his running for president and its as if he has inspired many more to do the same. When I read TheTexasFred Blog I couldn’t have rolled my eyes further back into my head.  Lets start with accusing President Barack Obama of Muslim simply because he doesn’t bash the religion. Does that mean that if don’t say anything against when I see an old lady eating grapes from the supermarket without buying them I am all of a sudden in cahoots with her and we are going to steal all the grapes when no one is looking. No! He’s the President of the Unites States anything he says is view but millions of people do you really think he should go about bashing a religion which about 2 billion people. If he took your course of action a war would most likely start and you would blame Obama for that too.
            The blog also went on discussing "The Truth About Islam" and how the Islamic religion as a who was a violent one and how the small amount of ‘peaceful’ Muslims could allow the ‘terrorist’ to go about with their extremist tactics in the name of Islam. First of all the religion of Islam is not at all a violent one. The people that practice it well that a whole other story. The same could be said of the Christian faith what with the Inquisitions, KKK, slavery and many more mind-blowingly discusting actions done in the name of Christianity. The faith its self does not condone it or ask for these drastic and violent behaviors. Such behaviors are committed by the PEOPLE who most likely have violent tendencies and protect themselves with the religion the practice.            

            It’s a real wonder just how condescending and closed mindedness there still is in this day and age. You would think that people would be a bit more accepting and understanding that just because one person of a social, political, spiritual class does something that the rest of the people in that same circle may not completely agree with the same believes.

Monday, September 19, 2016

While in Houston Donald Trump managed to make Hillary Clinton seem like an unfeeling human being when it came to the families of those who have been affected by crimes caused by illegal immigrants. He went on to say that when the case files of the victims were placed on her desk she failed to take action. Trump then went on to say that it was their countries job to protect its citizens it’s was utterly failing what with the drugs problems, terrorism and violent crimes.  Trump also stated that Clinton’s plan would place the entire country in disarray because of its radicalness and deeply dangerous roots. I believe this article was worth reading because it goes to show to what great length Donald Trump will go to win this election. He shows no real statistic as to crimes made by illegals or the facts that many that are in this country come for jobs to better themselves in which ultimately help better our economy or that they take the jobs that the average America would reject. He also fails to discuss Hilary’s points to also help integrate immigrants into functioning part of society or the fact that she also has a plan to help strain and check the people that come into the U.S.