Wednesday, November 23, 2016

   I completely agree that young drivers, or simply drivers in general, and officers of the law should correspond in a better way than what has recently going on. As to implementing a program to place that into effect I believe is a great idea. Teen drivers should know how to act as their rights whe stopped by police officers to prevent any form of violence from taking place.
Pros to this would include safer interaction between police and young civilians, proper knowledge of your rights, and teens being comfortable with police officers. 
  Cons/reasons to question the implementation would include how lon would it take to place the class in schools, who would teach the classes, would the classes be mandatory, would they work toward credit for the students. Who would also vote towards whether or not to pass the idea of the class? Would the school budget permit it? 
   The idea itself is great but just how much work is it going to take and are there people out there willing to put in that work to make the class come about.

Monday, November 7, 2016

          Let’s talk about guns ladies and gents. Last year Texas Legislature passed a bill allowing for concealed handgun permit holders to start carrying guns out in the open. This bill was signed into law on June 13, 2015 and took effect on January 1st, 2016. Now I don’t know about y’all but I’ve been hearing on the news lately that a lot of people have been getting shot and about mass shootings happening all over Texas. So here is my reasoning, which I don’t see why the legislature didn’t think of this first, if people are allowed to carry guns and we had plenty of incidents with gun shooting already why in God’s good name did they make it legal for people to start openly carrying guns! There have been crazies out and about killing children at school, at movie theaters and in peoples own home let’s not add to the crazy. I think it is especially dangerous in colleges what with stress out, sleep deprived, coffee driven people trying to go about their day and let’s say a student is having an especially hard day what’s to say they won’t shoot out an entire class room. Why don’t we ask the thousands of professors how they feel about their student being able to carry guns into the classroom and it being totally legal? I’m not saying that everyone that carries a gun is a complete psycho and out to kill everyone but it just takes one. I think this law should be repealed as quickly as possible.